week 5: reading notes Ramayana part B

The Sons of Rama: Luv and Kush — The Invincible Twins, written by Anant Pai
  • Rama has Lakshmana take Sita away but she is pregnant and scared of being alone
  • Valmiki rescues Sita and she is with him when she gives birth to twin sons
  • Valmiki helps teach the boys and tells him about Rama but doesn't tell him that he's their father
  • Rama uses a golden statue of Sita for the sarificial ritual called Horse-Sacrifice
  • Luv and Kush end up capturing the horse and defeat Rama's brother Shatrughna when he tries to recapture the horse
  • Rama sends out Lakshmana and he wounds Kush so Luv challenges him to a battle
  • Lakshmana loses the battle to Luv and so Rama sends out Bharata and the monkey army but they also are defeated
  • The boys tell Rama that Sita is their mother and Rama fainths learning that these are his sons
  • Valmiki explains everything to Rama and Sita refuses to return to Ayodha with Rama
  • Instead, she goes to her mother Bhumi, the Earth Goddess


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