topic brainstorm

Avatars of the Gods
I've always been fondly interested in dieties/gods/the spiritual world so I think I would enjoy writing about this. If I were to chose this as my topic, I would follow the story of "Avatar the Last Airbender" and try to mix together that tv show and this topic. I think it would be a fun twist and also, I am a really big fan of Avatar the Last Airbender

Here is a picture of Aang, who is known as the avatar. Picture Source.

I think this topic would be fun to write about because I always love learning about women and also I think I could make a story out of this by following the reality tv show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." I think it would make my storyboard very intersting, unique and funny to read.

In general, I love romance stories and they are also very easy to write about. I believe I could write a new story off the top of my head because there are so many romantic stories out there. I don't have a specific show/book/movie I would have this story follow but I don't think it would be a problem to find one for this topic.

I love romance stories and also I believe that this plot is similar to the tv show "You" where there is a man who becomes obssessed with a woman and does anything he can to have her, despite his psychotic ways. Thus, I could add mystery into this romantic plot.


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