Growth Mindset: the value of "Not Yet"

I have never heard of Carol Dwek but I have vaguely heard the concept of growth mindset before. I think this topic is really interesting because as a college student, it has been applying to my every day life for over a decade now. I believe the conept of growth mindset is still very new and not very used because most schools are centered around grades and rankings. Especially being in the STEM field, all I know about school is GPA and standardized testing. Honestly, I'm pretty used to being ranked and I do believe that it brings out a competitive side in me, however, I do agree with Carol that the word "FAIL" can really set back a student's confidence. I think the words "Not Yet" do have a lot of power within them, however, I believe students can still be taught that failure doesn't mean the end, it just means try again.

Here is a picture that I believe is funny but also relates to what I was saying about failure not being the end. 
Photo can be found here.


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